your paraffin temperature are not high at all,infiltration temperature should be above the melting temperature 2'C-4'C,from low to high,especially lung,liver ,which is too soft ,too much air in it,the infiltration time shoud be increased to get it hard,so cutting sections will be easy. 作者: dingwei 时间: 2011-11-14 13:29
1、组织发脆的原因不是脱水时间长了,而是二甲苯:石蜡=1:1 ,石蜡里是不能加二甲苯的。而且脱水液也没必要用酒精和二甲苯1:1。
2、很多人认为小标本、特别是小动物肝,组织脱水时间长会发脆,真是这样吗?还是我们一直以来的错觉?脱水每道半小时、或每道1小时、或每道8小时,有区别吗?我的实验结果是一样的。细胞长时间脱水不会使组织发脆,这是我总结了几十年经验后得出的的结论。 作者: Tony 时间: 2011-11-14 18:27
xylene is a universal solvent,it can mix with alcohol and paraffin,this is the keypoint of being a clearing agent,many people prefer mix xylene and alcohol together,both dehydration and clearing. 作者: star8823823 时间: 2011-11-14 22:03 标题: 回复 7# 的帖子
thanks,you opinion let me know the most important thing about my study. 作者: star8823823 时间: 2011-11-14 22:19 标题: 谢谢丁老师指点