Safranine O/fast green for cartilage
Dewax sections, rinse in alcohol, rinse in water.
Weigert's haematoxylin - 3 minutes.
Wash in tap water.
Differentiate in acid alcohol (1% hydrochloric acid in 70% alcohol) - 15 seconds.
Wash in tap water - 3 minutes.
Stain in 0.02% aqueous fast green - 3 minutes.
Wash briefy in 1% acetic acid. Drain slide.
Stain in 0.1% aqueous safranine O - 3 minutes (maximum).
Rinse in 95% alcohol.
Dehydrate, clear and mount.
Nuclei - black.
Cytoplasm - green.
Mucins, cartilage and mast cell granules - orange/red.