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Chinese American Pathologists Association (CAPA) 美国华人病理学家协会(CAPA) 2016 CAPA-MOTIC
BEST ABSTRACT AWARD 2016 CAPA-MOTIC最佳摘要奖 On behalf of theChinese American Pathologists Association (CAPA), we are delighted to announcethe 2016 CAPA-Motic Best Abstract Award for practicing pathologists andpathologists-in-training in China.我谨代表美国华人病理学家协会(CAPA),荣幸地向在中国执业和培训中的病理医生,发布关于2016年CAPA-Motic最佳摘要奖的通知。
CAPA’s major missionsare to promote excellence in practice, education and research in pathology, aswell as advocacy on behalf of Chinese pathologists. The objectives of this BestAbstract Award are to encourage and reward outstanding research contributionsby pathologists in China, and to foster the communication and collaborationamong pathologists practicing in China and those in the CAPA community. Pleasevisit our website at www.capaht.org for moreinformation.
1.First-authored abstract(s) by a practicing pathologist orpathologist-in-training in China are qualified to be considered. Abstractsshould be new and have not been presented in any previous meetings. Allabstracts have to be submitted in English using the abstract format for theUSCAP Annual Meeting, which include the title, authors, institution,background, design, results and conclusions.
The body of theabstract (background, design, results and conclusions) should not exceed 350words.
Submission or acceptance for presentation at the USCAP Annual Meetingis not required.
2.One individual cansubmit more than one abstracts, but no more than one award will be given to thesame person. 个人可以提交超过一篇摘要,但同一个人最多只能获得一项奖励。
3.One of the authorsof the abstract must be present at the 14th CAPA Annual BusinessMeeting, on March 12th, in Seattle, to receive the award. Otherwisethe abstract will be automatically disqualified for the award.
Submit your abstract(s) to
Dr. Guoping Cai by email at guoping.cai@yale.edu,the Chairof the Selection Committee for CAPA-Motic Best Abstract Award. The deadline forabstract submission is Friday, January 8, 2016.
请用电子邮件将摘要提交给CAPA-Motic最佳摘要奖评选委员会的主席Guoping Cai博士,邮箱地址guoping.cai@yale.edu。提交摘要的最后期限为2016年1月8日(星期五)。
Abstracts will be reviewed by members of the Selection Committee who areblinded to the names of authors and institutions.
Each abstract will be scored independently byfive reviewers.
Abstracts with the highest averagescores/ranks will be selected as the winners. There will be one winner for thefirst place, two for the second place, and three for the third place. We willnotify the winners before the end of January 2016. One of the authors of the abstract must present at the 14thCAPA Annual Business Meeting, on March 12th, in Seattle to receivethe award. Otherwise the abstract will be automatically disqualified for theaward at the time of meeting.
The awards will bepresented to the winners on March 12, 2016 at the CAPA Annual Business Meetingduring the upcoming 2016 USCAP Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington, UnitedStates, March 12-18, 2016.
Each winner willreceive a certificate with his/her name, a cash award, and recognition on theCAPA website. The winners must be present at the CAPA Annual BusinessMeeting in person to receive the award.