1、前面说 but water should be used to rinse sections between steps since PBS will precipitate out proteins in the egg white.
后面Incubate sections in avidin solution for 15 minutes followed by brief rinse in PBS, and then incubate sections in biotin solution for 15 minutes (all at room temperature). Briefly rinse in PBS and continue the protocol with primary antibody.
到底是用蒸馏水冲洗呢 还是用PBS。。 还有鸡蛋清 和脱脂奶粉用PBS配好呢还是蒸馏水配制???
2、我们平时的一般程序不是血清封闭后不能冲洗甩掉后直接加一抗的吗 , 文章的意思好像是血清封闭后再封闭生物素再加一抗,这样会不会有影响?
[ 本帖最后由 么么么么 于 2010-2-14 13:36 编辑 ]