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原帖由 病理小生 于 2011-5-18 13:22 发表
Paraffin blocks were cut at 4 μm thickness, and floated onto a water bath (45°C) before being mounted on Super Frost Ultra PlusÒ slides. The slides were then dried overn ...
这个protocol 在抄写过程中是否有点误差?
The primary antibody (Ab) was applied to each section (see section Primary Antibodies) in 50 mL aliquots for a minimum of 30 minutes.

The secondary Ab was applied to each section (see section Secondary Antibodies) in 50 mL aliquots for a minimum of 30 minutes.

步骤中50 mL(毫升)是否太多了? 原文是不是50 ul(微升)? 一般来说100 ~ 200 ul 比较合适。 第八步里的secondary Ab (二抗)没有介绍清楚,估计是HRP-conjugated antibody(辣根过氧化酶标记的二抗). 抗体孵育(antibody incubation)时间要根据抗体的使用浓度, 温度和抗体的亲和性而定.不能机械的固定.

Slides were then rinsed in water before being counterstained in Harris’s Haematoxylin (Harris, 1900) for 4 quick dips, rinsed in water, 3 quick dips in acid alcohol solution, rinsed in water and finally treated in Scott’s Blueing solution for 30 seconds before being rinsed in water again.

counter staining (套色)用Harris’s苏木素效果不是很好,大部分的实验室都选用进行性苏木素。


Paraffin blocks were cut at 4 μm thickness, and floated onto a water bath (45°C) before being mounted on Super Frost Ultra PlusÒ slides. The slides were then dried overnight in a 37°C oven, and overnight again in a 60°C. Slides were deparaffinised in two solutions of xylol for a minimum of 10 minutes each, then rehydrated through graded alcohols (100% and 95%) for 1 minute each before being treated in a 10% Celloidin Working Solution (see below) for one minute. The slides were then left to air dry for approximately ten minutes before being placed in 70% ethanol for 1 minute and rinsed in deionising water.

我认为切片表在uper Frost Ultra PlusÒ 载玻片上自然干燥就可以了,不必再进行60°C烤片,也不用在10%的火棉胶里处理。

[ 本帖最后由 shanghainese 于 2011-5-24 21:20 编辑 ]

